Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hello, Welcome to me.

Hello........., HELLO.........., Is this thing on?

As with many people, my background, employment and otherwise, has been in problem solving.
I do enjoy discussing & debating politics, and on occasion, religion.

Please, always feel free to reply with comments when you agree with me, and when you do not.
I will not pre-judge you based on your political, or religious points of view, but, I would ask that
you try to avoid name calling and explain yourself without relying on repeating the popular talking
points in mainstream media.

I do consider myself an independent voter.
I do support the Tea Party on many, but not all, issues.
I do support the Occupy movement on many, but not all, issues.
I see the Democrats & Republicans of equal value for good, and equal value on evil.

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